Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Calling back all energy ...

There are people who thrive on positivity and there are those who are addicted to negativity and drama. Regardless of which group you belong to or whether you even know which you belong to, if you are going to have a shot at healing, you are going to need as much of your energy as you can muster. What that means is that you will need to disengage from anything that is tapping into your energy and sucking it away from you. You will have to "call back" all (or at least most) of the energy you have put out there in your feud with the neighbor and the old drama with your mother and the hurt feelings with your old best friend and the rivalries with your siblings and the power struggle with your boss. None of this matters--at least not right now--because your sole focus should be summoning up as much energy as you need for your healing. This does not mean that you have to call or write every single person with whom you ever exchanged words (although you may want to do that with some). But whatever way works best for you is what you should be doing.

There are a lot of very eloquent books about this subject. One of the first books I read, at the suggestion of the aunt I mentioned who healed herself of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma using only natural methods, was Brandon Bays's The Journey. Much later I read Radical Forgiveness by Colin Tipping (I had some very fundamental issues with a chunk of what this guy said, but most of his work is clearly inspired and very helpful). Later on, when I was past the code red stage, I read Anatomy of the Spirit, by Caroline Myss. It is, in my opinion, the seminal work on energy and how it affects your short- and long-term healing. I finished it and then turned around and started reading it again--this time with a highlighter.

Although I was always pretty clueless at these types of things, I notice that I have become more adept at noticing what types of things and people and circumstances suck out my energy, and so I avoid them! Or get away as quickly as possible. Be very stingy with your energy. Because you will need it to live!

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